How do you deal with negative feedback?

Criticism can be hard to take. You’ve worked hard to build your brand and are rightly quite proud of it. A bit like a ‘favourite’ child. If someone else doesn’t quite see things the way you do, how should you take it?

Negative feedback is better than zero feedback

If you don’t ask your clients how they think you are doing, then you might only find out that you have room for improvement when their form of authority lands in your in-tray.  

Get into the habit of asking for, and recording, your client’s perception of your offering. Would they recommend you to a friend?  If not, why not? Consider what corrective measures can you put in place to improve their perception. Word of mouth can be a great tool for your business development.

The customer isn’t always right!

Remember: sometimes a crank is precisely that. If there is nothing you can do to assuage them, perhaps it is time to cut your losses? Do you really want to air those grievances in public? Agree to differ and simply move on.   

How do you deal with positive feedback?

Once you have got into the habit of recording your clients’ perception you might consider asking them if you can add their testimonials to your website. 

Evidence shows that testimonials work.  

Social Proof

If you are feeling brave, think about outsourcing to a review site like Trustpilot. There is a big difference between my telling you: “I’m great. You know that because I keep on telling you” and a third party saying: “He’s great. He kept me in the loop and got things done. Thank you so much!”. 

When your potential client can see genuine, positive and independent feedback they will be more likely to place their trust, and business, with your firm.

Learn from it

Don’t take it personally. Take on board all of your feedback, be it positive or negative, and learn from it. What did you do well? What could you do better?  

Apply those lessons and then Repeat…  

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